ALPI@PAD London with Bethan Laura Wood and Nilufar Gallery

At PAD London, ALPI is exhibiting the result of its collaboration with Nilufar Gallery and the British designer Bethan Laura Wood. The fair is exclusively dedicated to 20th-century and contemporary design. From Monday 10 to Sunday 16 October, visitors at PAD London will be able to see the Maisen Caterpillar cabinet, whose shape and colours relate to the fictional caterpillar character in the animated adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, a film that inspired Wood. The ALPI veneer for the piece was made specifically for the designer.
It decorates the "insect" with a multihued variegated pattern. The psychedelic waves of colour cover the cabinet from the head all the way down the front drawers, a nod to the colourful swirls and curls of magical smoke described in the novel by Carroll.

10-16 October 2022


ALPI@PAD London with Bethan Laura Wood and Nilufar Gallery
ALPI@PAD London with Bethan Laura Wood and Nilufar Gallery


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